From Our Blog: “What Does Father’s Day Mean to You?”

working dad picking up daughter at daycare

Father’s Day is fast approaching – and along with the cookouts, cards, and crafted gifts, it can be a great time to take a sentimental step back and examine what fatherhood really means to dads today.

In light of the occasion, we asked three Bright Horizons dads – all at different stages of parenthood – what Father’s Day means to them. Here’s what they said:

From an Expectant Father’s Perspective

My wife and I are due with our first child on June 30. There are a lot of questions heading into my first Father’s Day. At the outset, could I potentially be a father by then? Will I be a father to a baby girl or a baby boy? Who will I even be as a father? As much as I like to plan in anticipation of what’s to come, I remind myself that I do not and will not have all the answers. As an expectant father, I will need to give myself permission to offer the best version of myself to Baby Q and our family. - Steve

From a Dad of Two Little Ones

Father’s Day provides me with an opportunity to reflect. To reflect on how I got here, becoming a father and raising two young boys; on how I am doing as a father, hopefully not only focused on areas where I could improve, but also things that I do well; on being a son, thinking back on all of the great memories with my own father and hoping there are many more to come; and on how fast life goes by…and why I need to remember to cherish every moment. - Evan

From a Dad of Older Children

For me, Father’s Day means getting comfortable with a little more distance. As well as the physical remoteness that comes from having kids in college, we also navigate the natural distance that teens and young adults reflexively impose even when we’re in the same house. But any parent will tell you it’s a good distance – it’s a sign of the independence they’ve gained, the confidence they have in their own judgments, and the security that comes with not needing your reassurance before moving forward. And it also means that on Father’s Day they’ll make their own decisions about how to mark the occasion. Maybe they’ll feel confident not only picking out their own card, but also choosing a recipe, going shopping, and cooking a meal to celebrate the day. And seeing all this being done by your not-so-little kids – that feels pretty sweet. – Alan

The Work-Life Equation Podcast: Talking Fatherhood with Millennial Dads

On this episode of the Work-Life Equation: millennial dads. What does fatherhood look like in 2018? Our very candid panel of modern working dads told us about stepping up as parents, dance classes on football Sunday, sharing the load with mom, redefining self-care, and “embracing the poop” in a job that’s harder – and more fun – than they ever imagined.
working dad picking up daughter at daycare
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands