Let’s Find Out: Discovery-Driven Learning in Action

Two children playing with magnifying glasses

Wondering how our proven instructional method works in a classroom? One teacher’s real-life experiences offer a glimpse of the possibilities. At Bright Horizons Child Care Center at Comcast NBC Universal in Los Angeles, California, a young preschooler asked a simple question:

“Is a coconut a nut?”

“Hmm,” responded the teacher, Gabby Valdivia, “I don’t know. Let’s find out.” Gabby, now a health and safety director at The Launching Pad, brought in a coconut and the children spent several weeks exploring it.

The project started with a seedpod the children found outdoors. They spent several weeks trying different ways to open the seedpod. They hammered it, drilled it with a hand drill, and even dropped it from a play structure. Eventually they moved on to exploring other seeds and finally asked for a coconut.

Some projects need more planning and materials, but Discovery Driven Learning can be very simple. In this project, the children needed nothing more than a question, some curiosity, ample time to explore, and a coconut. Short- and long-term projects are times of connection, playful learning, and exploration.

All along the way, Gabby taught the children by listening, reflecting on what each child said, making notes, providing materials for children to explore, and most important of all, encouraging children to express their thinking by asking open-ended questions or simply saying, “Tell me more,” or “What do you think?”

Gabby provided a coconut and supported the children’s independence by nurturing their learning versus directing it. After several failed attempts, one child suggested a hand drill. The children drilled a hole and discovered liquid. They declared, “A coconut is not a nut because there is not a ball inside” (their established criteria for a nut).

Gabby says of her experience, “To make this project a success, we had to really respect and listen to the children. We didn’t jump in with easy answers but encouraged the children to find the answers. The families in the program understand our approach and were enthusiastic about the project too.”

Discovery Driven Learning is rooted in the science of learning; through play, experimenting with possibilities, problem-solving, and project work, we are confident children are getting the very best early learning experiences possible.

Two children playing with magnifying glasses
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands

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