Congratulations to the Working Mother Top 100

working mother
The Working Mother Top 100 Companies list was just released, recognizing employers for their progressive support for employees. We'd like to extend a hearty kudos to all, with an extra shout out to the 84 employers Bright Horizons is proud to call clients. The following is a profile of one of those valued clients. Congratulations!

Congratulations PNC, One of Working Mother's Top 100

Winning a big title may seem like the pinnacle of a successful campaign. But for PNC Financial Services, the designation as one of Working Mother's Top 100 Companies isn't the end game it's the sign of a successful work in progress. "It represents the ongoing commitment to employees that is part of our culture," says Liz Harrington, wellness consultant on PNC's Workplace Solutions team. Making the Working Mother list — a designation PNC has earned 13 times — is a distinct honor and something they work for year round.

Employees with Pride and Gratitude

PNC recognizes that employees have responsibilities outside of work and is committed to helping employees balance these responsibilities with those at work. Support includes Bright Horizons back-up child and elder care, two Bright Horizons back-up child care centers, as well as flexible work schedules, wellness initiatives, and other programs that help employees manage work and life. it's a successful formula for which employees are enthusiastic and grateful. Positive stories often pass by Liz's desk, and annual survey responses regularly include the refrain, "I don't know what I'd do without back-up care." There's considerable company pride, too. "I always smile when I see colleagues include the Working Mother designation in their email signatures," says Liz. "You can tell that it means a lot to people -- that employees are proud to be a part of an organization that is recognized."

Benefits for the Employer

And the upside doesn't stop with employees; the benefits to PNC are equally tangible. Concrete measures include the more than 8,500 days that back-up care enabled employees to work in 2013 despite child or elder care crises. There are benefits in recruitment, too. And that aforementioned company pride? That's no small thing either. Employee enthusiasm translates into job satisfaction and engagement, says Liz, and that translates to key imperatives like productivity, loyalty, and retention. "There's no doubt that what we're doing keeps us competitive," she says

A Focus on All Employees

Though Working Mother specifically speaks to the Working Mother specifically speaks to the demographic for which it's named, PNC is focused on all employees — moms, dads, singles...across the board. Benefit equity, says Liz, is critical, achieved through supports, like elder care, that cast a wide net. And because flex time is equal opportunity — many employees can arrange their schedule to make a child's soccer practice or to train for a road race — it successfully speaks to employees from Millennial to Boomer. The bottom line, she says, is the message and the results. "We know that when you have a successful life outside of work, you also will be more successful at work." And that means PNC will continue to strive for the Working Mother award in 2015 in beyond. "This recognition is an honor," Liz says. "it's proof that support at our company isn't just talked about — it is utilized and appreciated every day."
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Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands