From Our Blog: 25 Truths About Infant Teachers

Infant teacher playing with babies at Bright Horizons

Infant teachers are one of a kind. For many parents, including our blogger Media Mom, infant teachers are among the educators for whom they are forever grateful, not only for who they are and what they teach, but for the lasting ways they help shape their child’s learning and development. Over the years, as her two kids graduated from the infant program and moved up to toddlers, Media Mom put into words all the reasons why infant teachers are so amazing.

Here, in honor of Teacher Appreciation Month, we share those reasons:

What it Takes to be an Infant Teacher

  1. It takes grace to be an infant teacher.
  2. It also takes art, skill, patience, and precision.
  3. You see, an infant teacher helps babies to learn how to comfort themselves to sleep.
  4. They have the patience to help them learn to eat at the table.
  5. They are adept at helping babies learn how to figure out a new toy.
  6. They know just how to help an infant overcome frustration.
  7. They are wonderful cheerleaders; they teach babies how to be proud of their accomplishments.
  8. They are able to get even the most stubborn 1-year-old to learn to use a cup.
  9. Infant teachers show babies that they can be loved unconditionally by people in addition to mommy and daddy.
  10. They are highly skilled; they help an infant (who cannot hold a paintbrush) make masterful works of art.
  11. They are able to teach a baby with no teeth how to enjoy the fruits of the earth.
  12. They know a baby’s every cry, gesture, strength, and weakness.
  13. They know which babies like their backs rubbed as they nod off for a nap.
  14. Infant teachers understand an infant’s language.
  15. They know when to catch him and when to let him fall.
  16. They have a special gift for teaching someone who can’t talk, can’t walk, and can’t understand your language how to be a loving, gentle soul.
  17. They show someone who cannot support herself how to literally stand proud on her own.
  18. And then, they teach them how to talk, walk, and understand your language.
  19. And they do it all in just a few months.
  20. Infant teachers are amazing, wonderful people.
  21. They are talented, confident, and kind.
  22. Infant teachers are guardians of miracles, and they make miracles happen every day.
  23. They will always be a part of what I cherish when I remember my children’s many firsts; when they first sat up, first crawled, said their first words, and took their first steps.
  24. And I haven’t even started on what they’ve taught me, that’s a blog — or a tome — for another day.
  25. Thank you, teachers. You give us a million reasons to say thanks - not only in May but every day
Infant teacher playing with babies at Bright Horizons
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Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands